Situated in Great Malvern, Worcestershire with great views offering young people the opportunity to be accommodated in natural surroundings.

Rosendale House is a six bedroom detached property situated on a main road location in Great Malvern. The home has three storeys, consisting of a newly decorated lounge and dining room, fitted kitchen; it offers five young people’s bedrooms, which can be tailored to the young person’s personal taste, and a room providing staff sleeps in facilities with a separate shower room. The young people and staff share three toilets and two bathrooms. There is a garden located at the side of the property, which offers, garden furniture and various pots, shrubs and plants are located in this area.
Cooking and washing facilities are accessible to all the children and young people resident in the home and they are actively encouraged to prepare food and when appropriate wash their own clothes. Each young person has a single bedroom to which they and the staff on shift both hold a key. After a period of time and based on the length of their placement, children and young people are given the opportunity to choose personal colour schemes for their bedrooms. Furniture is regularly checked and maintained in good order.
The home is located in a community that offers good local amenities, including a doctor’s surgery, chemist, a number of churches, library, convenience store, newsagents, post office, a local bus service and two train stations.
Rosendale House has a small, friendly and welcoming staff team who enjoy arranging and participating in outings and family visits. We have a house car but as a team we try and encourage the use of public transport as much as possible in order to encourage and promote independence and confidence in getting to know the local area, with staff supervision if necessary.
The area in which the house is situated is situated near to several schools in the local area including two high schools. These are accessible and provide learning support, where necessary, and operate effective anti-bullying policies. Good working relationships will be further developed and the schools will be supportive to the children and young people living at Rosendale House. The home will be supported by a Homes2Inspire education co-ordinator initially providing work to individual young people’s specific needs. The main aim is to secure an appropriate educational placement that can provide each young person with the appropriate level of schooling or college courses.
Our statement of purpose is available on request.
“Training now better reflects children’s needs. Staff are very positive about their support.”
“There are other positives. Children have been better protected at the home. They have challenged staff but have been safe. Significant incidents have generally been managed better. The host area designated officer for safeguarding has no concerns about the service. Children know that they will be brought home when they go missing.”
“Positive community involvement is more evident, and children said that they like the range of activities they can try. One child said that he liked the area, has made friends and thinks that the staff have helped him to manage his anger better.”
“Some young people are now making some progress in areas that were previously of concern, particularly in their education, friendships and community involvement. Three young people have sustained full-time college placements. This is a real achievement.”
“This is the best home I have ever been in.”
Young Person
“The communication with the home is very good… they are co-operative, helpful… the staff are friendly and have a wide range of skills and knowledge that they employ effectively.”
“Communication is good with the Home… Staff are knowledgeable and polite.”
“excellent location, a home that has been well restored. keeping may of its original features.”
“Great views offering young people the opportunity to be accommodated in natural surroundings.”
“A credit to you as a Company – a home offering high standard accommodation.”
Virtual School Tutor