“Excellent standard of accommodation, which will provide a safe living environment for our young people.”
Trevone House offers a new and innovative model of care for young people moving on to independence. It is a ground-breaking project that has been designed with care experienced young people for young people in care.

Trevone House is an Ofsted registered leaving care provision working with young people in care and care-leavers aged from 16 to 25 years. It also provides a dedicated 2 bedded Wellbeing Service which is separately registered with CQC. Located centrally within Gloucester, it has plenty of local amenities and opportunities as well as excellent transport links nearby.
Homes2Inspire are excited to be working in partnership with Gloucestershire County Council and their partners, to deliver this new model of care which really does have young people at the heart of everything.
Our ambition is to make Trevone House a home where young people choose to live because they feel valued, respected, and cared for. We hope to change national practice for independent accommodation that supports young people as they prepare to leave care.
Model of Care
Our Model of Care begins by understanding each young peoples journey – how many schools they have been to, the number of social workers and professionals within their lives, and how many placements, missing episodes or contacts with the police they have experienced. We want to understand our young people and work in a trauma informed way that supports them, rather than judge them or exclude them.
Trevone House Accommodation and Location
Trevone House provides supported accommodation for up to 19 young people in their own self-contained facilities.
The accommodation is designed to offer dignity, privacy, and safety to the residents. It offers a range of facilities appropriate to the assessed needs of the young people, most of whom will have low to medium levels of need.
Our accommodation provision is comprised of 14 self-contained flats; 5 of these are one-bedroom flats, 6 are studio flats (Ofsted Category 1) and 4 are two-bed flats which can be shared if a suitable match is agreed to support this arrangement (Ofsted Category 2).
1 of the studio flats is a short-stay provision for emergency placements or young people placed by the police via the PACE transfer process.
The purpose designed building is equipped with communal spaces, an office and a meeting room space so that all required functions can be facilitated and managed within the facility.
The accommodation can be utilised flexibly to ensure that the needs of young people can be met as and when required.
Wellbeing Service
Trevone House also offers two Wellbeing Suites which are separately registered with CQC.
These are primarily for young people who require additional support following a mental health assessment or as a step-down from Tier 4 / Secure accommodation. There is an alternative referral pathway for young people being placed in this part of the provision. The Wellbeing suites have their own Statement of Purpose for their separate registration with CQC.
Our statement of purpose is available on request.