
Admission to one of our Children’s Homes is through referral to our dedicated Referral Team using the contact details below. For each referral we will conduct:
- A review of the child’s history and circumstances
- An assessment as to whether the needs of the child meet the home’s general admission criteria and statement of purpose
- An assessment related to the composition of the home’s current residents
Emergency admissions can be accepted, provided that the above information has been supplied including a referral and risk assessment to consider the appropriateness of the placement.
We review each child’s placement plan on a regular basis. This is undertaken through consultation with the young person, parents or responsible others and representatives from social services to ensure that the plan is current, appropriate and relevant to the young person’s needs. Any significant change to the placement plan will be discussed and agreed at a formal placement review.
To make a referral please call our dedicated team on: 07841 966439 (24 hour)
Alternatively please use our referral E-mail address where you can also:
- Ask about our latest availability
- Discuss which home / location would be most suitable
- Discuss potential placements or find out additional information
- Make a referral (please include as much detail as possible with reassurance that this e-mail address is only accessible to our placement team)