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Delivering qualifications during lockdown – Paul Maginnis

600,000 pupils are due to leave school this year at a time when exams have been cancelled and job vacancies are …

Message from Paul Cook, Managing Director Homes2Inspire

As we enter a further week of lockdown I would on behalf of Homes2Inspire’s Senior Leadership Team like to express our …

Message from Paul Cook, Managing Director Homes2Inspire

Since my last message the Government have announced a further period of ‘lock down’ to restrict the spread of this virus …

Update on Coronavirus COVID-19

The UK risk level of Coronavirus is assessed as moderate, however, the risk to individuals remains low. At Homes2Inspire we are …

Update on Coronavirus COVID-19

The UK risk level of Coronavirus is assessed as moderate, however, the risk to individuals remains low. At Homes2Inspire we are …

Message from Paul Cook, Managing Director Homes2Inspire

Since my last message the situation in the Country has worsened and new measures have been put in place by the Government to restrict the spread of this virus and protect the NHS, I am sure everybody is full of gratitude and admiration for the work of the NHS at this time.

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