Childrens Homes

Our children’s homes are the cornerstone of our organisation. We are privileged to have the opportunity to provide a loving home for the children in our care. We nurture our children, supporting them to transition into independence.
We look after children who have often had traumatising childhood experiences and recognise the additional responsibility that this gives us to ensure safe and stable home environments. Our staff are trained and understand the impact adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have on our children’s ability to regulate their emotions, trust adults and form positive friendships. Over time, we know that consistency and empathy will help children to develop into well-rounded adults.
Our homes are in good locations, with access to social, health and education facilities. Our homes are well decorated and furnished to a high standard because our children deserve the best that we can give them. Our homes look and feel like family homes, externally and internally. They should feel confident to bring their friends and family to visit.
We listen to our children and respect their wishes and feelings. We balance this with our responsibility to act as good parents, setting boundaries and teaching children to be respectful and courteous. Children are encouraged to join community groups and clubs and to participate fully in community activities. Children are encouraged to be part of our young voice participation group, helping us to make decisions and providing feedback to senior managers.
We make our children’s education a priority. Whenever possible, children will attend their local school. We provide additional tutoring and specialist support where needed.
All our staff undergo a rigorous recruitment process, including careful vetting. We do everything possible to ensure that children in our care do not encounter any unsuitable adults.
All our children’s homes are registered and inspected by Ofsted. Homes2Inspire has a clear commitment to only operate children’s homes that are properly registered. We will work closely with Ofsted to address the growing problem of unregistered children’s home provision.